2023.04.29 적혈구카테고리 없음 2023. 4. 29. 16:29728x90반응형
국제진료센터 지킴이입니다.
오늘은 적혈구에 대해서 공부해 보도록 하겠습니다.
보통 피검사를 할 때 RBC를 많이 보게됩니다.
바로 RBC는 red blood cell입니다.
의학용어로는 erythrocyte라고 합니다.
적혈구는 적색골수에서 생성 됩니다.
수명은 120일이고 비장, 간에서 파괴됩니다.
세포성분 가운데 가장 많고
세포소기관과 핵이 없습니다.
적혈구의 주요 역할은 산소의 운반입니다.
적혈구의 97%는 헤모글로빈(hemoglobin)입니다.
이는 혈색소라고도 부릅니다.
헤모글로빈은 글로빈(단백질)+ 헴(철+빌리루빈)으로 구성됩니다.
산소와 헤모글로빈이 합쳐진 산화혈색소가 산소를 운반하게 됩니다.
남성의 경우 정상 헤모글로빈 농도는 14~18g/100ml이고
여성의 경우 정상 헤모글로빈 농도는 12~16g/100ml입니다.
What are red blood cells?
Red blood cells, also known as erythrocytes, deliver oxygen to the tissues in your body. Oxygen turns into energy and your tissues release carbon dioxide. Your red blood cells also transport carbon dioxide to your lungs for you to exhale.
What do red blood cells do?
Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen from your lungs to your body’s tissues. Your tissues produce energy with the oxygen and release a waste, identified as carbon dioxide. Your red blood cells take the carbon dioxide waste to your lungs for you to exhale.
Where are red blood cells made?
Red blood cells develop in your body’s soft bone tissue (bone marrow) and release into your bloodstream after they fully mature, which takes about seven days.
What do red blood cells look like?
Red blood cells get their bright red color from a protein that allows them to carry oxygen from your lungs and deliver it to other tissues in your body (hemoglobin).
Red blood cells are microscopic and have the shape of a flat disk or doughnut, which is round with an indentation in the center, but it isn’t hollow. Red blood cells don’t have a nucleus like white blood cells, allowing them to change shape and move throughout your body easier.
What are red blood cells made of?
Red blood cells grow in your bone marrow. Bone marrow creates almost all of the cells in your body. Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen.