
  • 2023.08.24 CT 검사[조영제 편]
    카테고리 없음 2023. 8. 24. 09:24

    Contrast material

    A special dye called contrast material is needed for some CT scans to help highlight the areas of your body being examined. The contrast material blocks X-rays and appears white on images, which can help emphasize blood vessels, intestines or other structures.

    Contrast material might be given to you:

    • By mouth. If your esophagus or stomach is being scanned, you may need to swallow a liquid that contains contrast material. This drink may taste unpleasant.
    • By injection. Contrast agents can be injected through a vein in your arm to help your gallbladder, urinary tract, liver or blood vessels stand out on the images. You may experience a feeling of warmth during the injection or a metallic taste in your mouth.
    • By enema. A contrast material may be inserted in your rectum to help visualize your intestines. This procedure can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable.





    在某些 CT 扫描中,需要一种称为造影剂的特殊染料,以帮助突出显示身体被检查的部位。造影剂能阻挡 X 线,在图像上呈现白色,有助于突出显示血管、肠道或其他内部结构。


    • 口服如果您的食管或胃部正在接受扫描,您可能需要吞下含有造影剂的液体。这种液体的口感可能会不太好。
    • 注射。造影剂可以通过手臂静脉注射,帮助您的胆囊、尿路、肝脏或血管在图像上突出显示。在注射过程中,您可能会有温热感或口腔中有金属味。
    • 灌肠。造影剂可注入您的直肠中,帮助观察您的肠道。这个过程可能会让您感觉发胀和不适。



    국문 영문 중문 국문 영문 중문 
    강조하다  highlight 突出显示 
    túchū xiǎnshì
    차단하다 block  阻挡 zǔdǎng 
    검사할 신체 부위  the areas of your body being examined.  身体被检查的部位。
    shēntǐ bèi jiǎnchá de bùwèi.
    나타내다 appear 呈现 chéngxiàn
    특수 염료  special dye  特殊染料
    tèshū rǎnliào,
    intestines 肠道 cháng dào
    feel bloated  感觉发胀
    Gǎnjué fā zhàng
    삼키다  swallow 吞下 Tūn xià
    따뜻함 warmth  温热感
    Wēn rè gǎn
    금속맛  metallic taste 金属味 jīnshǔ wèi.
    액체 drink  液体 yètǐ  담낭 gallbladder  胆囊 dǎnnáng
    taste  口感 kǒugǎn 주입하다  inserted 注入 zhùrù



    Contrast material

    Zàoyǐng jì

    일부 CT 스캔에서는 검사 중인 신체 부위를 강조 표시하는 데 조영제라는 특수 염료가 필요합니다. A special dye called contrast material is needed for some CT scans to help highlight the areas of your body being examined.  在某些 CT 扫描中,需要一种称为造影剂的特殊染料,以帮助突出显示身体被检查的部位。

    Zài mǒu xiē CT sǎomiáo zhōng, xūyào yī zhǒng chēng wèi zàoyǐng jì de tèshū rǎnliào, yǐ bāngzhù túchū xiǎnshì shēntǐ bèi jiǎnchá de bùwèi.

    조영제는 엑스레이를 차단하고 이미지에서 흰색으로 나타나며 혈관, 장 또는 기타 내부 구조를 강조하는 데 도움이 됩니다. The contrast material blocks X-rays and appears white on images, which can help emphasize blood vessels, intestines or other structures.

    造影剂能阻挡 X 线,在图像上呈现白色,有助于突出显示血管、肠道或其他内部结构。
    Zàoyǐng jì néng zǔdǎng X xiàn, zài túxiàng shàng chéngxiàn báisè, yǒu zhù yú túchū xiǎnshì xiěguǎn, cháng dào huò qítā nèibù jiégòu.
    조영제 투여 요법 Contrast material might be given to you: 造影剂给药方案:
    Zàoyǐng jì gěi yào fāng'àn
    Kǒufú By mouth.  口服
    Rúguǒ nín de shíguǎn huò wèi bù zhèngzài jiēshòu sǎomiáo, nín kěnéng xūyào tūn xià hányǒu zàoyǐng jì de yètǐ. If your esophagus or stomach is being scanned, you may need to swallow a liquid that contains contrast material.  如果您的食管或胃部正在接受扫描,您可能需要吞下含有造影剂的液体。
    Zhè zhǒng yètǐ de kǒugǎn kěnéng huì bù tài hǎo. This drink may taste unpleasant. 这种液体的口感可能会不太好。

    Zhè zhǒng yètǐ de kǒugǎn kěnéng huì bù tài hǎo.
      By injection.  Zhùshè
    조영제를 팔의 정맥에 주사하면 담낭, 요로, 간 또는 혈관이 이미지에서 돋보이도록 할 수 있습니다 Contrast agents can be injected through a vein in your arm to help your gallbladder, urinary tract, liver or blood vessels stand out on the images.  造影剂可以通过手臂静脉注射,帮助您的胆囊、尿路、肝脏或血管在图像上突出显示。
    Zàoyǐng jì kěyǐ tōngguò shǒubì jìngmài zhùshè, bāngzhù nín de dǎnnáng, niào lù, gānzàng huò xiěguǎn zài túxiàng shàng túchū xiǎnshì.
    주사하는 동안 따뜻한 느낌이 나거나 입 안에서 금속 맛이 느껴질 수 있습니다. You may experience a feeling of warmth during the injection or a metallic taste in your mouth. 在注射过程中,您可能会有温热感或口腔中有金属味。

    Zài zhùshè guòchéng zhōng, nín kěnéng huì yǒu wēn rè gǎn huò kǒuqiāng zhōng yǒu jīnshǔ wèi.
    관장  By enema.  灌肠。
    장을 볼 수 있도록 조영제를 직장에 주사합니다. 시술을 받으면 더부룩하고 불편함을 느낄 수 있습니다. A contrast material may be inserted in your rectum to help visualize your intestines. This procedure can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable. 造影剂可注入您的直肠中,帮助观察您的肠道。这个过程可能会让您感觉发胀和不适
    Zàoyǐng jì kě zhùrù nín de zhícháng zhōng, bāngzhù guānchá nín de cháng dào. Zhège guòchéng kěnéng huì ràng nín gǎnjué fā zhàng hé bùshì
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