
  • 2023.12.26
    카테고리 없음 2023. 12. 16. 11:43

    상부 위장 내시경이라고도 불리는 상부 내시경 검사는 상부 소화 기관을 육안으로 검사하는 데 사용되는 절차입니다. An upper endoscopy, also called an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, is a procedure used to visually examine your upper digestive system.  上消化道内镜检查是一种用于目视检查上消化系统的医疗程序.

    Shàng xiāohuà dào nèi jìng jiǎnchá shì yī zhǒng yòng yú mù shì jiǎnchá shàng xiāohuà xìtǒng de yīliáo chéngxù
    이것은 길고 유연한 튜브 끝에 달린 작은 카메라의 도움으로 이루어집니다. This is done with the help of a tiny camera on the end of a long, flexible tube.  检查过程中需要使用位于一根长软管末端的微型摄像头。

    Jiǎnchá guòchéng zhōng xūyào shǐyòng wèiyú yī gēn zhǎng ruǎn guǎn mòduān dì wéixíng shèxiàngtóu
    소화기 질환 전문의(위장병 전문의)는 내시경검사를 사용하여 소화기 상부에 영향을 미치는 상태를 진단하고 때로는 치료합니다. A specialist in diseases of the digestive system (gastroenterologist) uses an endoscopy to diagnose and sometimes treat conditions that affect the upper part of the digestive system. 消化系统疾病专科医生(胃肠科医生)使用内镜检查来诊断(有时还治疗)累及消化系统上部的疾病。

    Xiāohuà xìtǒng jíbìng zhuānkē yīshēng (wèi cháng kē yīshēng) shǐyòng nèi jìng jiǎnchá lái zhěnduàn (yǒushí huán zhìliáo) lěijí xiāohuà xìtǒng shàngbù de jíbìng.
    상부 내시경 검사의 의학 용어는 식도위십이지장경 검사입니다. The medical term for an upper endoscopy is esophagogastroduodenoscopy.  上消化道内镜检查在医学上称为食管胃十二指肠镜检查。

    Shàng xiāohuà dào nèi jìng jiǎnchá zài yīxué shàng chēng wèi shíguǎn wèi shí'èr zhǐ cháng jìng jiǎnchá.


    상부 내시경 검사는 의료 서비스 제공자의 진료실, 외래 수술 센터 또는 병원에서 실시할 수 있습니다. You may have an upper endoscopy done in your healthcare provider's office, an outpatient surgery center, or a hospital. 您可能在医务人员的诊室、门诊手术中心或医院进行上消化道内镜检查。

    Nín kěnéng zài yīwù rényuán de zhěnshì, ménzhěn shǒushù zhōngxīn huò yīyuàn jìnxíng shàng xiāohuà dào nèi jìng jiǎnchá.
      Why it's done   
    상부 내시경검사는 소화기 계통의 상부에 영향을 미치는 상태를 진단하고 때로는 치료하는 데 사용됩니다. An upper endoscopy is used to diagnose and sometimes treat conditions that affect the upper part of the digestive system.  上消化道内镜检查通常用于诊断,有时也用于治疗影响消化系统上部的疾病。

    Shàng xiāohuà dào nèi jìng jiǎnchá tōngcháng yòng yú zhěnduàn, yǒushí yě yòng yú zhìliáo yǐngxiǎng xiāohuà xìtǒng shàngbù de jíbìng.
    상부 소화기관에는 식도, 위, 소장의 시작 부분(십이지장)이 포함됩니다. The upper digestive system includes the esophagus, stomach, and beginning of the small intestine (duodenum).

    Shàng xiāohuà xìtǒng bāokuò shíguǎn, wèi hé xiǎocháng de qǐ shǐ duàn (shí'èr zhǐ cháng)
    귀하의 서비스 제공자는 다음과 같은 목적으로 내시경 검사 절차를 권장할 수 있습니다. Your provider may recommend an endoscopy procedure to: 医务人员可能建议您出于以下目的进行内镜检查
    Yīwù rényuán kěnéng jiànyì nín chū yú yǐxià mùdì jìnxíng nèi jìng jiǎnchá
    증상을 조사합니다. Investigate symptoms.  检查症状。
    Jiǎnchá zhèngzhuàng
    내시경 검사는 가슴 쓰림, 메스꺼움, 구토, 복통, 삼키기 어려움, 위장 출혈 등 소화기 징후와 증상을 일으키는 원인을 파악하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.  An endoscopy can help determine what's causing digestive signs and symptoms, such as heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing and gastrointestinal bleeding. 内镜检查可能有助于确定引起消化系统体征和症状(例如胃灼热、恶心、呕吐、腹痛、吞咽困难和胃肠道出血)的病因。

    Nèi jìng jiǎnchá kěnéng yǒu zhù yú quèdìng yǐnqǐ xiāohuà xìtǒng tǐzhēng hé zhèngzhuàng (lìrú wèi zhuórè, ěxīn, ǒutù, fùtòng, tūnyàn kùnnán hé wèi cháng dào chūxiě) de bìngyīn.
      Diagnose.  诊断。
    내시경 검사는 빈혈, 출혈, 염증 또는 설사를 유발할 수 있는 질병 및 상태를 테스트하기 위해 조직 샘플(생검)을 수집할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. An endoscopy offers an opportunity to collect tissue samples (biopsy) to test for diseases and conditions that may be causing anemia, bleeding, inflammation or diarrhea.  内镜检查可用于采集组织样本(活检),以检测可能引起贫血、出血、炎症或腹泻的疾病和状况,

    Nèi jìng jiǎnchá kěyòng yú cǎijí zǔzhī yàngběn (huójiǎn), yǐ jiǎncè kěnéng yǐnqǐ pínxiě, chūxiě, yánzhèng huò fùxiè de jíbìng hé zhuàngkuàng, hái kěyǐ jiǎncè chū shàng xiāohuà xìtǒng de mǒu xiē áizhèng.
    또한 상부 소화기 계통의 일부 암을 감지할 수도 있습니다. It can also detect some cancers of the upper digestive system.  
      Treat.  治疗。
    소화기 계통의 문제를 치료하기 위해 특수 도구를 내시경을 통해 통과시킬 수 있습니다. Special tools can be passed through the endoscope to treat problems in your digestive system.  内镜可用于递送专用工具,以治疗消化系统问题。

    Nèi jìng kěyòng yú dìsòng zhuānyòng gōngjù, yǐ zhìliáo xiāohuà xìtǒng wèntí.
    예를 들어, 내시경 검사를 통해 출혈이 있는 혈관을 태워 출혈을 멈추거나, 좁은 식도를 넓히거나, 폴립을 잘라내거나 이물질을 제거할 수 있습니다. For example, an endoscopy can be used to burn a bleeding vessel to stop bleeding, widen a narrow esophagus, clip off a polyp or remove a foreign object. 例如,内镜检查可用于灼烧出血血管以止血,拓宽狭窄的食管,钳除息肉或取出异物。

    Lìrú, nèijìng jiǎnchá kěyòng yú zhuó shāo chūxiě xiěguǎn yǐ zhǐxiě, tàkuān xiázhǎi de shíguǎn, qiánchú xīròu huò qǔchū yìwù.
    내시경검사는 때때로 초음파와 같은 다른 절차와 결합됩니다. An endoscopy is sometimes combined with other procedures, such as an ultrasound.  内镜检查有时会与其他医疗程序(例如超声检查)结合使用。

    Nèi jìng jiǎnchá yǒushí huì yǔ qítā yīliáo chéngxù (lìrú chāoshēng jiǎnchá) jiéhé shǐyòng
    식도나 위벽의 이미지를 생성하기 위해 초음파 프로브를 내시경에 부착할 수 있습니다. An ultrasound probe may be attached to the endoscope to create images of the wall of your esophagus or stomach.  可将超声波探头连接到内镜上,以生成食管壁或胃壁的图像。

    Kě jiāng chāoshēngbō tàntóu liánjiē dào nèi jìng shàng, yǐ shēngchéng shí guǎn bì huò wèibì de túxiàng.
    내시경 초음파는 췌장과 같이 접근하기 어려운 기관의 이미지를 만드는 데 도움이 될 수도 있습니다. An endoscopic ultrasound may also help create images of hard-to-reach organs, such as your pancreas. 


    Nèi jìng chāoshēng jiǎnchá hái kěnéng yǒu zhù yú shēngchéng nányǐ chùjí de qìguān (lìrú yíxiàn) de túxiàng.
    최신 내시경은 보다 선명한 이미지를 제공하기 위해 고화질 비디오를 사용합니다. Newer endoscopes use high-definition video to provide clearer images. 新型内镜利用高清视频来提供更清晰的图像。

    Xīnxíng nèi jìng lìyòng gāoqīng shìpín lái tígōng gèng qīngxī de túxiàng.
      Many endoscopes are used with a technology called narrow-band imaging. 

    Xǔduō nèi jìng dōu yǔ zhǎidài chéngxiàng jìshù jiéhé shǐyòng.
      Narrow band imaging uses special light to help better detect precancerous conditions, such as Barrett's esophagus. 窄带成像技术使用特殊光线以帮助更好地检测癌前状况,例如巴雷特食管。

    Zhǎidài chéngxiàng jìshù shǐyòng tèshū guāngxiàn yǐ bāngzhù gèng hǎo de jiǎncè ái qián zhuàngkuàng, lìrú bā léi tè shíguǎn.


    내시경검사는 매우 안전한 시술입니다. 드문 합병증은 다음과 같습니다. An endoscopy is a very safe procedure. Rare complications include: 内镜检查是一项非常安全的手术。罕见并发症包括

    Nèi jìng jiǎnchá shì yī xiàng fēicháng ānquán de shǒushù. Hǎnjiàn bìngfā zhèng bāokuò
    검사에 검사(생검)를 위해 조직 조각을 제거하거나 소화기 계통 문제를 치료하는 절차가 포함된 경우 내시경 검사 후 출혈 합병증의 위험이 높아집니다. Your risk of bleeding complications after an endoscopy is increased if the procedure involves removing a piece of tissue for testing (biopsy) or treating a digestive system problem.  如果内镜检查的过程涉及切除一部分组织进行检测(活检)或治疗消化系统问题,那么内镜检查后出血并发症的风险就会增加。。

    Rúguǒ nèi jìng jiǎnchá de guòchéng shèjí qiēchú yībùfèn zǔzhī jìnxíng jiǎncè (huójiǎn) huò zhìliáo xiāohuà xìtǒng wèntí, nàme nèi jìng jiǎnchá hòu chūxiě bìngfā zhèng de fēngxiǎn jiù huì zēngjiā. 
    드물지만 이러한 출혈에는 수혈이 필요할 수 있습니다. In rare cases, such bleeding may require a blood transfusion. 在极少数情况下需要输血治疗
    Zài jí shǎoshù qíngkuàng xià xūyào shūxiě zhìliáo.
    대부분의 내시경 검사는 검사와 조직검사로 이루어지며 감염 위험은 낮습니다. Most endoscopies consist of an examination and biopsy, and the risk of infection is low.  大多数内镜检查包括检查和活检,感染的风险很低。

    Dà duōshù nèi jìng jiǎnchá bāokuò jiǎnchá hé huójiǎn, gǎnrǎn de fēngxiǎn hěn dī
    내시경 검사 중 추가적인 시술을 시행할 경우 감염 위험이 높아집니다. The risk of infection increases when additional procedures are performed as part of your endoscopy.  如果在内镜检查中进行了额外的手术,感染的风险就会增加。

    Rúguǒ zài nèi jìng jiǎnchá zhōng jìnxíngle éwài de shǒushù, gǎnrǎn de fēngxiǎn jiù huì zēngjiā
    대부분의 감염은 경미하며 항생제로 치료할 수 있습니다. Most infections are minor and can be treated with antibiotics.  多数感染是轻微的,可以通过抗生素进行治疗。

    Duōshù gǎnrǎn shì qīngwéi de, kěyǐ tōngguò kàngshēngsù jìnxíng zhìliáo.
    귀하가 감염 위험이 더 높은 경우, 귀하의 의료 제공자는 시술 전에 예방적 항생제를 제공할 수 있습니다. Your provider may give you preventive antibiotics before your procedure if you are at higher risk of infection. 如果您有较高的感染风险,医务人员可能会在手术前为您开具预防性抗生素。

    Rúguǒ nín yǒu jiào gāo de gǎnrǎn fēngxiǎn, yīwù rényuán kěnéng huì zài shǒushù qián wéi nín kāijù yùfáng xìng kàngshēngsù.
      Tearing of the gastrointestinal tract.   
    식도나 상부 소화관의 다른 부분이 찢어지면 입원이 필요할 수 있으며 때로는 수술을 통해 치료해야 할 수도 있습니다. A tear in your esophagus or another part of your upper digestive tract may require hospitalization, and sometimes surgery to repair it.  食管或上消化道的另一部分撕裂可能需要住院治疗,有时需要手术修复。

    Shíguǎn huò shàng xiāohuà dào de lìng yībùfèn sīliè kěnéng xūyào zhùyuàn zhìliáo, yǒushí xūyào shǒushù xiūfù.
    이 합병증의 위험은 매우 낮습니다. 진단상 상부 내시경 검사 2,500~11,000건 중 1건으로 추정됩니다. The risk of this complication is very low — it occurs in an estimated 1 of every 2,500 to 11,000 diagnostic upper endoscopies.  这种并发症的风险非常低,估计每 2500 到 11000 例诊断性上消化道内镜检查中只有 1 例此类并发症。

    Zhè zhǒng bìngfā zhèng de fēngxiǎn fēicháng dī, gūjì měi 2500 dào 11000 lì zhěnduàn xìng shàng xiāohuà dào nèi jìng jiǎnchá zhōng zhǐyǒu 1 lì cǐ lèi bìngfā zhèng.
    식도를 넓히기 위한 확장과 같은 추가 시술을 수행하면 위험이 증가합니다. The risk increases if additional procedures, such as dilation to widen your esophagus, are performed. 如果进行了额外手术,如食管扩张,风险就会相应增加。
    Rúguǒ jìnxíngle éwài shǒushù, rú shíguǎn kuòzhāng, fēngxiǎn jiù huì xiāngyìng zēngjiā.
      A reaction to sedation or anesthesia. 镇静或麻醉反应。
    상부 내시경 검사는 대개 진정제나 마취를 하면서 시행됩니다. Upper endoscopy is usually performed with sedation or anesthesia.  上消化道内镜检查通常在镇静或麻醉的情况下进行。

    Shàng xiāohuà dào nèi jìng jiǎnchá tōngcháng zài zhènjìng huò mázuì de qíngkuàng xià jìnxíng.
    마취나 진정의 종류는 환자와 시술 이유에 따라 다릅니다. The type of anesthesia or sedation depends on the person and the reason for the procedure.  麻醉或镇静的类型取决于患者和手术原因。

    Mázuì huò zhènjìng de lèixíng qǔjué yú huànzhě hé shǒushù yuányīn.
    진정이나 마취에 대한 반응의 위험성이 있으나 위험성은 낮다. There is a risk of a reaction to sedation or anesthesia, but the risk is low. 存在出现镇静或麻醉反应的风险,但风险较低。

    Cúnzài chūxiàn zhènjìng huò mázuì fǎnyìng de fēngxiǎn, dàn fēngxiǎn jiào dī.
    금식, 특정 약물 중단 등 내시경 준비에 대한 의료 서비스 제공자의 지시를 주의 깊게 따르면 합병증의 위험을 줄일 수 있습니다. You can reduce your risk of complications by carefully following your healthcare provider's instructions for preparing for an endoscopy, such as fasting and stopping certain medications. 您可以按照医务人员的指示准备内镜检查以降低出现并发症的风险,例如禁食和停用某些药物。

    Nín kěyǐ ànzhào yīwù rényuán de zhǐshì zhǔnbèi nèi jìng jiǎnchá yǐ jiàngdī chūxiàn bìngfā zhèng de fēngxiǎn, lìrú jìn shí hé tíng yòng mǒu xiē yàowù.
    합병증을 의미할 수 있는 증상 Symptoms that could mean a complication

    Kěnéng yùshì bìngfā zhèng de zhèngzhuàng

    내시경 검사 후 주의해야 할 증상은 다음과 같습니다. Symptoms to watch for after your endoscopy include: 内镜检查后要注意以下症状:
    Nèi jìng jiǎnchá hòu yào zhùyì yǐxià zhèngzhuàng:
      Fever 发热 Fārè
      Chest pain 胸部疼痛

    xiōngbù téngtòng
      Shortness of breath 气短 qìduǎn
      Bloody, black, or very dark-colored stool 粪便带血、发黑或颜色很深

    Fènbiàn dàixiě,
    fāhēi huò yánsè hěn shēn
      Difficulty swallowing 吞咽困难 Tūnyàn kùnnán
      Severe or persistent abdominal pain 剧烈或持续腹痛 
    Jùliè huò chíxù fùtòng
    구토, 특히 구토물이 피가 섞이거나 커피 찌꺼기처럼 보이는 경우 Vomiting, especially if your vomit is bloody or looks like coffee grounds 呕吐,尤其是呕吐物带血或看起来像咖啡渣
    Ǒutù, yóuqí shì ǒutù wù dài xiě huò kàn qǐlái xiàng kāfēi zhā
    이러한 증상이 나타나면 즉시 서비스 제공자에게 연락하거나 응급실로 가십시오. Call your provider immediately or go to an emergency room if you experience any of these symptoms. 如果您出现上述任何症状,请立即致电医务人员或前往急诊室。
    Rúguǒ nín chūxiàn shàngshù rènhé zhèngzhuàng, qǐng lìjí zhìdiàn yīwù rényuán huò qiánwǎng jízhěn shì.
      How you prepare  
    귀하의 서비스 제공자는 귀하의 내시경 검사를 준비하기 위한 구체적인 지침을 제공할 것입니다. 귀하는 다음을 요청받을 수 있습니다: Your provider will give you specific instructions to prepare for your endoscopy. You may be asked to: 医务人员会为您提供有关如何准备内镜检查的具体说明。医生可能会要求您

    Yīwù rényuán huì wèi nín tígōng yǒuguān rúhé zhǔnbèi nèi jìng jiǎnchá de jùtǐ shuōmíng. Yīshēng kěnéng huì yāoqiú nín
    내시경 검사 전 금식합니다. Fast before the endoscopy. 在进行内镜检查之前禁食
    Zài jìnxíng nèi jìng jiǎnchá zhīqián jìn shí
    일반적으로 내시경 검사를 받기 전 8시간 동안 고형 음식 섭취를 중단하고 4시간 동안 액체 섭취를 중단해야 합니다.  You'll typically need to stop eating solid food for eight hours and stop drinking liquids for four hours before your endoscopy.  在内镜检查前,您通常需要停止摄入固体食物 8 小时,停止饮用液体 4 小时。

    Zài nèi jìng jiǎnchá qián, nín tōngcháng xūyào tíngzhǐ sh rù gùtǐ shíwù 8 xiǎoshí, tíngzhǐ yǐnyòng yètǐ 4 xiǎoshí.
    이는 시술을 위해 위가 비어 있는지 확인하기 위한 것입니다. This is to ensure your stomach is empty for the procedure. 这是为了确保在此检查中您的胃已经排空。
    Zhè shì wèile quèbǎo zài cǐ jiǎnchá zhōng nín de wèi yǐjīng pái kōng.
      Stop taking certain medications.  停止服用某些药物。
    Tíngzhǐ fúyòng mǒu xiē yàowù.
      You'll need to stop taking certain blood-thinning medications in the days before your endoscopy, if possible.  如果可能,在进行内镜检查之前的几天里,您需要停止服用某些血液稀释药物

    Rúguǒ kěnéng, zài jìnxíng nèi jìng jiǎnchá zhīqián de jǐ tiān lǐ, nín xūyào tíngzhǐ fúyòng mǒu xiē xiěyè xīshì yàow
    내시경 검사 중에 특정 절차를 수행하는 경우 혈액 희석제는 출혈 위험을 증가시킬 수 있습니다. Blood thinners may increase your risk of bleeding if certain procedures are performed during the endoscopy.  如果在内镜检查期间执行某些手术,血液稀释剂可能会增加出血的风险。

    Rúguǒ zài nèi jìng jiǎnchá qíjiān zhíxíng mǒu xiē shǒushù, xiěyè xīshì jì kěnéng huì zēngjiā chūxiě de fēngxiǎn.
    귀하에게 당뇨병, 심장병, 고혈압 등의 질환이 지속되는 경우, 귀하의 서비스 제공자는 귀하에게 귀하의 약품에 관한 구체적인 지침을 제공할 것입니다. If you have ongoing conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure, your provider will give you specific instructions regarding your medications. 如果您患有糖尿病、心脏病或高血压等持续存在的医疗状况,医务人员将向您提供相关的用药说明

    Rúguǒ nín huàn yǒu tángniàobìng, xīnzàng bìng huò gāo xiěyā děng chíxù cúnzài de yīliáo zhuàngkuàng, yīwù rényuán jiāng xiàng nín tígōng xiāngguān de yòngyào shuōmíng.
    내시경 검사를 받기 전에 복용 중인 모든 약과 보충제에 대해 의료 서비스 제공자에게 알리십시오. Tell your provider about all the medications and supplements you're taking before your endoscopy. 在进行内镜检查前,告诉医务人员您服用的所有药物和补充剂。
    Zài jìnxíng nèi jìng jiǎnchá qián, gàosù yīwù rényuán nín fúyòng de suǒyǒu yàowù hé bǔchōng jì.

    Plan ahead for your recovery


    상부 내시경 검사를 받는 대부분의 사람들은 검사 중에 긴장을 풀고 더 편안하게 만들기 위해 진정제를 투여받게 됩니다. Most people undergoing an upper endoscopy will receive a sedative to relax them and make them more comfortable during the procedure.  大多数做上消化道内镜检查的人都会服用镇静剂来放松,从而在检查过程中减少不适感。

    Dà duōshù zuò shàng xiāohuà dào nèi jìng jiǎnchá de rén dūhuì fúyòng zhènjìngjì lái fàngsōng, cóng'ér zài jiǎnchá guòchéng zhōng jiǎn shào bùshì gǎn.
    진정제가 사라지는 동안 회복을 미리 계획하십시오. Plan ahead for your recovery while the sedative wears off.  提前为镇静剂药效减退时的恢复做出计划。

    Tíqián wéi zhènjìngjì yào xiào jiǎntuì shí de huīfù zuò chū jìhuà
    정신적으로 깨어 있다고 느낄 수도 있지만 기억력, 반응 시간 및 판단력이 손상될 수 있습니다. You may feel mentally alert, but your memory, reaction times and judgment may be impaired.  您也许精神上很清醒,但记忆力、反应时间和判断力可能会受损。

    Nín yěxǔ jīngshén shàng hěn qīngxǐng, dàn jìyìlì, fǎnyìng shíjiān hé pànduàn lì kěnéng huì shòusǔn.
      Find someone to drive you home. You may also need to take the day off from work.  找个人开车送您回家。可能还需要请一天假。
      Don't drive or make any important personal or financial decisions for 24 hours. 24 小时内不要开车或做任何重要的个人或财务决定。
      What you can expect   
      During an endoscopy  
    상부 내시경 검사 중에 환자는 테이블에 등을 대고 누워 있거나 옆으로 누워 있어야 합니다. During an upper endoscopy procedure, you'll be asked to lie down on a table on your back or on your side.  在上消化道内镜检查过程中,医生会要求您仰卧或侧卧在检查台上。
    Zài shàng xiāohuà dào nèi jìng jiǎnchá guòchéng zhōng, yīshēng huì yāoqiú nín yǎngwò huò cè wò zài jiǎnchá tái shàng
    절차가 진행됨에 따라: As the procedure gets underway: 在程序开始后
    Zài chéngxù kāishǐ hòu
    모니터는 몸에 부착되는 경우가 많습니다. Monitors often are attached to your body. 通常会将监测仪连接至您的身体。

    Tōngcháng huì jiāng jiāncè yí liánjiē zhì nín de shēntǐ.
    이를 통해 담당 의료팀이 호흡, 혈압, 심박수를 모니터링할 수 있습니다. This allows your healthcare team to monitor your breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate. 这样医疗团队就可以监测您的呼吸、血压和心率。

    Zhèyàng yīliáo tuánduì jiù kěyǐ jiāncè nín de hūxī, xiěyā hé xīnlǜ.
    진정제를 투여받을 수 있습니다. You may receive a sedative medication.  可能会给您使用镇静药物。
    Kěnéng huì gěi nín shǐyòng zhènjìng yàowù.
    팔뚝의 정맥을 통해 투여되는 이 약물은 내시경 검사 중에 긴장을 푸는 데 도움이 됩니다. This medication, given through a vein in your forearm, helps you relax during the endoscopy. 这种药物通过前臂静脉给药,有助于您在内镜检查期间保持放松状态。

    Zhè zhǒng yàowù tōngguò qiánbì jìngmài gěi yào, yǒu zhù yú nín zài nèi jìng jiǎnchá qíjiān bǎochí fàngsōng zhuàngtài.
    입안에 마취제를 사용할 수도 있습니다. An anesthetic may be used in your mouth.  也可能使用口腔麻醉剂
    Yě kěnéng shǐyòng kǒuqiāng mázuìjì
      An anesthetic spray numbs your throat in preparation for insertion of the long, flexible tube (endoscope).  麻醉喷雾剂会使咽喉麻木,为插入长软管(内镜)做好准备。

    Mázuì pēnwù jì huì shǐ yānhóu mámù, wèi chārù zhǎng ruǎn guǎn (nèi jìng) zuò hǎo zhǔnbèi.
      You may be asked to wear a plastic mouth guard to hold your mouth open. 医生可能会要求您戴上塑料护齿来保持口腔张开。
    Yīshēng kěnéng huì yāoqiú nín dài shàng sùliào hù chǐ lái bǎochí kǒuqiāng zhāngkāi.
      Then the endoscope is inserted in your mouth.   
      Your provider may ask you to swallow as the scope passes down your throat.   
      You may feel some pressure in your throat, but you shouldn't feel pain.  
      You can't talk after the endoscope passes down your throat, though you can make noises.   
      The endoscope doesn't interfere with your breathing.

      As the endoscope travels down your esophagus:  
      A tiny camera at the tip transmits images to a video monitor in the exam room.   
      Your provider watches this monitor to look for anything out of the ordinary in your upper digestive tract.   
      If something unusual is found in your digestive tract, images can be taken for later examination.  
      Gentle air pressure may be fed into your esophagus to inflate your digestive tract.   
      This allows the endoscope to move freely.   
      And it allows the folds of your digestive tract to be examined more easily. You may feel pressure or fullness from the added air.  
      Your provider will pass special surgical tools through the endoscope to collect a tissue sample or remove a polyp.   
      This is done with the help from a video monitor to guide the tools.  
      When the exam is finished, the endoscope is slowly retracted through your mouth.   
      An endoscopy typically takes 15 to 30 minutes.  
      After the endoscopy  
    내시경 검사 후에는 회복실로 이동하여 조용히 앉거나 누울 수 있습니다. You'll be taken to a recovery area to sit or lie quietly after your endoscopy.  内镜检查结束后,您将被带到恢复区静坐或躺下
    Nèi jìng jiǎnchá jiéshù hòu, nín jiāng bèi dài dào huīfù qū jìngzuò huò tǎng xià
      You may stay for an hour or so. During this time, your healthcare team can monitor you as the sedative begins to wear off.  
      Once you're at home, you may experience some mildly uncomfortable symptoms after endoscopy, such as:  
      Bloating and gas  
      Sore throat  
      These signs and symptoms will improve with time.   
      If you're concerned or quite uncomfortable, call your healthcare provider.

      Take it easy for the rest of the day after your endoscopy.   
      After receiving a sedative, you may feel alert, but your reaction times are affected and judgment is delayed.  
      When you receive the results of your endoscopy will depend on your situation.  您何时收到内镜检查结果取决于您的病情

    Nín hé shí shōu dào nèi jìng jiǎnchá jiéguǒ qǔjué yú nín de bìngqíng
      If, for instance, the endoscopy was performed to look for an ulcer, you may learn the findings right after your procedure.  例如,如果医生进行内镜检查是为了查看溃疡,那么检查后即可取得检查结果。

    Lìrú, rúguǒ yīshēng jìnxíng nèi jìng jiǎnchá shì wèile chákàn kuìyáng, nàme jiǎnchá hòu jí kě qǔdé jiǎnchá jiéguǒ
      If a tissue sample (biopsy) was collected, you may need to wait a few days to get results from the testing laboratory.  如果是为了采集组织样本(活检),则可能需要等待几天才能取得实验室的检测结果。
      Ask your provider when you can expect the results of your endoscopy. 询问医务人员何时可以收到内镜检查结果。
    Xúnwèn yīwù rényuán hé shí kěyǐ shōu dào nèi jìng jiǎnchá jiéguǒ.
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