
  • 2024.05.26
    카테고리 없음 2024. 5. 26. 17:37
    전문가들이 가장 먼저 권장하는 것은 신체적으로 활동적인 상태를 유지하는 것입니다. The number one thing experts recommended was to keep your body active.  专家建议的第一件事就是保持身体活跃。
    Zhuānjiā jiànyì de dì yī jiàn shì jiùshì bǎochí shēntǐ huóyuè.
    여러 연구에서 운동이 조기 사망 위험을 감소시키는 것으로 나타났기 때문입니다 That’s because study after study has shown that exercise reduces the risk of premature death. 因为一项一项研究表明,运动可以降低过早死亡的风险
    Yīn wéi yī xiàng yòu yī xiàng yánjiū biǎomíng, yùndòng kěyǐ jiàngdīguò zǎo sǐwáng de fēngxiǎn
    신체 활동은 심장과 순환계를 건강하게 유지합니다. Physical activity keeps the heart and circulatory system healthy  体育活动可以保持心脏和循环系统的健康,
    Tǐyù huódòng kěyǐ bǎochí xīnzàng hé xúnhuán xìtǒng de jiànkāng, 
    정신과 신체에 영향을 미치는 많은 만성 질환으로부터 보호해 줍니다. and provides protection against numerous chronic diseases that affect the body and mind. 并提供保护,防止许多影响身心的慢性疾病
    b ìng tígōng bǎohù, fángzhǐ xǔduō yǐngxiǎng shēnxīn de mànxìng jíbìng
    또한 근육을 강화시켜 노인의 낙상 위험을 줄입니다. It also strengthens muscles, which can reduce older people’s risk of falls. 它还能增强肌肉,从而降低老年人跌倒的风险。
    Tā hái néng zēngqiáng jīròu, cóng'ér jiàngdī lǎonián rén diédǎo de fēngxiǎn.
    성인으로서 근육을 키우고, 근력을 키우고, 균형을 키우고, 심혈관 지구력을 키우는 데 시간을 투자한다면 신체가 노화됨에 따라 미래에 대한 더 강력한 기반을 갖게 됩니다. “If we spend some of our adult years building up our muscle mass, our strength, our balance, our cardiovascular endurance, then as the body ages, you’re starting from a stronger place for whatever is to come “如果我们在成年后花一些时间锻炼肌肉、增强力量、增强平衡力、增强心血管耐力,那么随着身体年龄的增长,你就有了一个更强壮的基础,迎接未来的一切。

    “Rúguǒ wǒmen zài chéngnián hòu huā yīxiē shíjiān duànliàn jīròu, zēngqiáng lìliàng, zēngqiáng pínghéng lì, zēngqiáng xīn xiěguǎn nàilì, nàme suízhe shēntǐ niánlíng de zēngzhǎng, nǐ jiù yǒule yīgè gèng qiángzhuàng de jīchǔ, yíngjiē wèilái de yīqiè.

    최고의 운동은 당신이 즐겨하고 계속할 수 있는 모든 활동입니다 The best exercise is any activity you enjoy doing and will stick with. 最好的锻炼是任何你喜欢做并能坚持下去的活动
    Zuì hǎo de duànliàn shì rènhé nǐ xǐhuān zuò bìng néng jiānchí xiàqù de huódòng
    운동도 많이 하지 않아도 돼요 You don’t have to do a lot, either — 你也不需要做太多的运动——
    Nǐ yě bù xūyào zuò tài duō de yùndòng—
    미국심장협회에서는 일주일에 150분의 중간 강도 운동을 권장하는데, 이는 하루에 20분 이상 걷는 것이 유익하다는 것을 의미합니다.  the American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, meaning just walking a little more than 20 minutes a day is beneficial. 美国心脏协会建议每周进行150分钟的中等强度运动,这意味着每天步行20分钟以上就很有益了。
    Měiguó xīnzàng xiéhuì jiànyì měi zhōu jìnxíng 150 fēnzhōng de zhōngděng qiángdù yùndòng, zhè yìwèizhe měitiān bùxíng 20 fēnzhōng yǐshàng jiù hěn yǒuyìle.
    과일과 채소를 더 많이 섭취하세요. Eat more fruits and vegetables. 多吃水果蔬菜。
    Duō chī shuǐguǒ shūcài.
    전문가들은 특정 식단을 권장하지 않습니다. The experts didn’t recommend one specific diet over another,  专家们并没有推荐一种特定的饮食方式,

    Zhuānjiāmen bìng méiyǒu tuījiàn yī zhǒng tèdìng de yǐnshí fāngshì,

    그러나 그들은 일반적으로 과일과 채소를 더 많이 섭취하고 가공식품을 덜 섭취하면서 적당히 섭취할 것을 권장합니다. but they generally advised eating in moderation and aiming for more fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods. 但他们普遍建议适度饮食,多吃水果蔬菜,少吃加工食品
    Dàn tāmen pǔbiàn jiànyì shìdù yǐnshí, duō chī shuǐguǒ shūcài, shǎo chī jiāgōng shípǐn.
    통곡물, 콩류, 견과류, 생선, 올리브 오일 외에 신선한 농산물을 우선시하는 지중해 식단은 건강한 식습관의 좋은 예입니다. The Mediterranean diet — which prioritizes fresh produce in addition to whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish and olive oil — is a good model for healthy eating,  地中海饮食——除了全谷物、豆类、坚果、鱼类和橄榄油外,还优先考虑新鲜农产品——是健康饮食的良好典范,
    Dìzhōnghǎi yǐnshí——chúle quán gǔwù, dòu lèi, jiānguǒ, yú lèi hé gǎnlǎn yóu wài, hái yōuxiān kǎolǜ xīnxiān nóngchǎnpǐn——shì jiànkāng yǐnshí de liánghǎo diǎnfàn,
    그리고 심장병, 암, 당뇨병, 치매의 위험을 줄이는 것으로 나타났습니다. and it’s been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and dementia. 而且已被证明可以降低患心脏病、癌症、糖尿病和失智的风险。
    일부 전문가들은 건강한 체중을 유지하는 것이 장수에 중요하다고 말합니다. Some experts say that maintaining a healthy weight is important for longevity,  一些专家说,保持健康体重对长寿很重要,
    Yīxiē zhuānjiā shuō, bǎochí jiànkāng tǐzhòng duì chángshòu hěn zhòngyào,
      but to Dr. John Rowe, a professor of health policy and aging at Columbia University, that’s less of a concern, especially as people enter old age. “ 但在哥伦比亚大学卫生政策和老龄化问题教授约翰·罗看来,这不是什么大问题,尤其是当人们步入老年时。
    “나는 항상 체중이 증가하는 환자보다 체중이 감소하는 환자를 더 걱정한다”고 말했다. I was always more worried about my patients who lost weight than my patients who gained weight,” Dr. Rowe said. “我总是更担心那些体重减轻的病人,而不是体重增加的病人,”罗说。Wǒ zǒng shì gèng dānxīn nàxiē tǐzhòng jiǎnqīng de bìngrén, ér bùshì tǐzhòng zēngjiā de bìngrén,” luō shuō.
    수면은 때때로 간과되기도 하지만 건강한 노화에 중요한 역할을 합니다 Sleep is sometimes overlooked, but it plays a major role in healthy aging 睡眠有时被忽视,但它在健康老龄化中起着重要作用
    Shuìmián yǒushí bèi hūshì, dàn tā zài jiànkāng lǎolíng huà zhōng qǐ zhuó zhòngyào zuòyòng
    연구에 따르면 사람이 밤에 자는 평균 시간은 모든 원인으로 인한 사망 위험과 관련이 있으며  Research has found that the amount of sleep a person averages each night is correlated with their risk of death from any cause, and 研究发现,一个人每晚的平均睡眠时间与任何死因的风险都相关,
    지속적으로 고품질의 수면을 취하면 수명이 수년 연장될 수 있는 것으로 나타났습니다.  that consistently getting good quality sleep can add several years to a person’s life.  持续获得高质量睡眠可以使寿命延长数年
    Chíxù huòdé gāozhìliàng shuìmián kěyǐ shǐ shòumìng yáncháng shù nián.

    수면은 뇌 건강에 특히 중요한 것으로 보입니다  Sleep appears to be especially important for brain health:  睡眠似乎对大脑健康尤其重要
    Shuìmián sìhū duì dànǎo jiànkāng yóuqí zhòngyào
    2021년 연구에 따르면 하루에 5시간 미만의 수면을 취하는 사람들은 치매 발병 위험이 두 배로 증가하는 것으로 나타났습니다.  A 2021 study found that people who slept less than five hours a night had double the risk of developing dementia. 2021年的一项研究发现,每晚睡眠不足5小时的人患失智症的风险增加了一倍
    2021 Nián de yī xiàng yánjiū fāxiàn, měi wǎn shuìmián bùzú 5 xiǎoshí de rén huàn shī zhì zhèng de fēngxiǎn zēngjiāle yī bèi.
    나이가 들수록 사람들은 더 많은 수면을 필요로 합니다. As people get older, they need more sleep rather than less “随着年龄的增长,人们需要更多的睡眠,而不是更少
    Suízhe niánlíng de zēngzhǎng, rénmen xūyào gèng duō de shuìmián, ér bùshì gèng shǎo
    일반적으로 하루 7~9시간의 수면을 취하는 것이 좋습니다. Seven to nine hours is generally recommended 一般建议每天睡7到9个小时。
    Yībān jiànyì měitiān shuì 7 dào 9 gè xiǎoshí.
    담배를 피우거나 술을 마시지 마십시오. Don’t smoke, and don’t drink too much either. 不要抽烟酗酒。
    Bùyào chōuyān xùjiǔ.
    흡연이 생명을 위협하는 다양한 질병의 위험을 증가시키는 것은 말할 필요도 없습니다. This goes without saying, but smoking cigarettes raises your risk for all kinds of deadly diseases.  不用说,吸烟会增加罹患各种致命疾病的风险。
    Bùyòng shuō, xīyān huì zēngjiā líhuàn gè zhǒng zhìmìng jíbìng de fēngxiǎn.
    당신에게 좋은 담배의 복용량은 없습니다 “There is no dose of cigarette smoke that is good for you, “没有任何剂量的香烟对人体有益,”罗说。
    우리는 또한 과도한 음주의 위험성을 이해하기 시작했습니다. We’re starting to understand how bad excessive alcohol use is, too.  我们也开始了解过度饮酒的危害

    Wǒmen yě kāishǐ liǎojiě guòdù yǐnjiǔ de wéihài.
    여성의 경우 하루 한 잔 이상, 남성의 경우 하루 두 잔 이상(또는 그 이하)의 음주는 심장병, 심방세동, 간 질환 및 7가지 유형의 암 위험을 증가시킵니다. More than one drink per day for women and two for men — and possibly even less than that — raises the risk for heart disease and atrial fibrillation, liver disease, and seven types of cancer. 女性每天喝一杯以上,男性每天喝两杯以上——甚至可能更少——会增加罹患心脏病、心房纤颤、肝病和七种癌症的风险。

    Nǚxìng měitiān hè yībēi yǐshàng, nánxìng měitiān hē liǎng bēi yǐshàng——shènzhì kěnéng gèng shǎo——huì zēngjiā líhuàn xīnzàng bìng, xīnfáng xiānzhàn, gānbìng hé qī zhǒng áizhèng de fēngxiǎn.
    만성질환을 관리하세요  Manage your chronic conditions. 控制慢性疾病。
    Kòngzhì mànxìng jíbìng.
    미국 성인의 거의 절반이 고혈압을 앓고 있고, 40%가 고콜레스테롤을 앓고 있으며, 1/3 이상이 당뇨병 전증을 앓고 있습니다. Nearly half of American adults have hypertension, 40 percent have high cholesterol and more than one-third have pre-diabetes 近一半美国成年人患有高血压,40%的人胆固醇高,超过三分之一的人处于糖尿病前期

    Jìn yībàn měiguó chéngnián rén huàn yǒu gāo xiěyā,40%de rén dǎngùchún gāo, chāoguò sān fēn zhī yī de rén chǔyú tángniàobìng qiánqí.
    위에서 언급한 모든 건강한 행동은 이러한 질병을 통제하고 더 심각한 질병으로 발전하는 것을 예방하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. All the healthy behaviors mentioned above will help manage these conditions and prevent them from developing into even more serious diseases,  以上提到的所有健康行为都有助于控制这些疾病,防止它们发展成更严重的疾病,

    Yǐshàng tí dào de suǒyǒu jiànkāng xíngwéi dōu yǒuzhùyú kòngzhì zhèxiē jíbìng, fángzhǐ tāmen fāzhǎn chéng gèng yánzhòng de jíbìng,

    그러나 때로는 생활 방식의 개입만으로는 충분하지 않습니다. but sometimes lifestyle interventions aren’t enough. 但有时生活方式干预是不够的。
    Dàn yǒushí shēnghuó fāngshì gānyù shì bùgòu de.
    따라서 전문가들은 의사의 지시를 따르고 상태를 조절하는 것이 중요하다고 말합니다. That’s why experts say it’s critical to follow your doctor’s advice to keep things under control. 因此,专家说,遵从医嘱,控制病情,这一点至关重要。
    Yīncǐ, zhuānjiā shuō, zūncóng yīzhǔ, kòngzhì bìngqíng, zhè yīdiǎn zhì guān zhòngyào.
    약을 먹는 것도 재미없고, 혈압과 혈당을 확인하는 것도 재미없다 “It’s not fun to take the medications; it’s not fun to check your blood pressure and check your blood sugar,”  “吃药不好玩;查血压和查血糖也不好玩,”安娜·张说。
    Chī yào bù hǎowán; chá xiěyā hé chá xiětáng yě bù hǎowán,
    "하지만 이 모든 것을 전체적으로 최적화하면 우리가 더 오래, 더 건강하게, 더 나은 삶을 살 수 있도록 도와줍니다." Dr. Chang said. “But when we optimize all those things in a whole package, they also help us live longer, healthier, better lives.” “但是,如果我们把所有这一切优化为一个整体,它们会帮助我们活得更长、更健康、更好。”
    Dànshì, rúguǒ wǒmen bǎ suǒyǒu zhè yīqiè yōuhuà wéi yīgè zhěngtǐ, tāmen huì bāngzhù wǒmen huó dé gèng zhǎng, gèng jiànkāng, gèng hǎo.
    정신 건강은 신체 건강보다 뒤처지는 경우가 많지만 Anna Zhang은 정신 건강도 그만큼 중요하다고 말합니다. Psychological health often takes a back seat to physical health, but Dr. Chang said it’s just as important.  与身体健康相比,心理健康往往处于次要地位,但安娜·张说,心理健康同样重要。

    Yǔ shēntǐ jiànkāng xiāng bǐ, xīnlǐ jiànkāng wǎngwǎng chǔyú cì yào dìwèi, dàn ānnà·zhāng shuō, xīnlǐ jiànkāng tóngyàng zhòngyào.

    "고립과 외로움은 흡연만큼 건강에 해롭다" “Isolation and loneliness is as big a detriment to our health as smoking,”  “孤立和孤独对我们的健康的危害与吸烟一样大,”

    “Gūlì hé gūdú duì wǒmen de jiànkāng de wéihài yǔ xīyān yīyàng dà,”
    이 상태는 우리를 "치매, 심장병 및 뇌졸중의 위험이 더 높습니다." she said, adding that it puts us “at a higher risk of dementia, heart disease, stroke.” 她说,她还说,这种情况使我们“罹患失智、心脏病和中风的风险更高”。
    Zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng shǐ wǒmen “líhuàn shī zhì, xīnzàng bìng hé zhòngfēng de fēngxiǎn gèng gāo”.
      Relationships are key to not only living healthier, but also happier 人际关系不仅是健康生活的关键,也是快乐生活的关键。
      According to the Harvard Study of Adult Development, strong relationships are the biggest predictor of well-being. 根据哈佛成人发展研究,牢固的人际关系是幸福的最大可预测因素。
    긍정적인 태도를 기르십시오. Cultivate a positive mind-set. 培养积极心态。
    긍정적인 생각조차도 당신이 더 오래 사는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다 Even thinking positively can help you live longer.  就连积极的想法也能让你活得更久
    Jiù lián jījí de xiǎngfǎ yě néng ràng nǐ huó dé gèng jiǔ
    여러 연구에 따르면 낙관주의는 심장 질환의 위험을 낮추는 것과 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났습니다. Several studies have found that optimism is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, 几项研究发现,乐观与较低的心脏病风险有关,
    Jǐ xiàng yánjiū fāxiàn, lèguān yǔ jiào dī de xīnzàng bìng fēngxiǎn yǒuguān,
       and people who score highly on tests of optimism live 5 to 15 percent longer than people who are more pessimistic.   
      That may be because optimists tend to have healthier habits and lower rates of some chronic diseases,   
      but even when accounting for those factors, the research shows that people who think positively still live longer.  
    오래 살기 위해 건강한 방법 중 하나만 선택한다면, 그것은 바로 '신체 활동을 하는 것'입니다. " If you had to pick one healthy practice for longevity, “do some version of physical activity,” Dr. Moore said. “ 摩尔说,如果只选择一种健康的长寿方式,那就“做一些体育活动”。”rúguǒ zhǐ xuǎnzé yī zhǒng jiànkāng de chángshòu fāngshì, nà jiù “zuò yīxiē tǐyù huódòng”.”
    실패하면 긍정적인 태도를 유지하는 데 집중하세요. If you can’t do that, then focus on being positive.” “如果做不到这一点,那就专注于保持积极心态。
    Rúguǒ zuò bù dào zhè yīdiǎn, nà jiù zhuānzhù yú bǎochí jījí xīntài.
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